
Complex Risks

Warehouse of lumber

Specialised ‘Hard to Place’ Property insurance solutions

Chase Complex Risks specialises in sophisticated insurance solutions for properties and occupations that pose unique challenges and typically fall outside of the appetite of the local Australian insurance market.

Why Chase Complex Risks?

Empty warehouse at night


We understand the challenges associated with high hazard occupations and unique high hazard construction types. Our extensive experience in industry means that there are few challenges encountered where we are unable to deliver a risk transfer solution.

Customised solutions

Our team of knowledgeable underwriters work closely with you to develop customised insurance solutions that address the specific needs of your clients.

Market relationships

Our partnerships with leading insurers and reinsurers offer you and your clients a wide range of coverage options and competitive terms.

A ‘one stop shop’

Our facilities provide a gateway to substantial capacity. We have a broad risk appetite, with individual risks ranging between $1 to $500 million in asset value. Our aim is to simplify the marketing of complex risks by providing our broker partners with 100% capacity for challenging property placements.

Underwriting appetite

We have a broad appetite from highly protected risks to the more challenging premises. A current risk survey, although not essential, will result in faster response times and often a better outcome.

ISR & Unoccupied Premises Binder

With security backed by Lloyd's of London, our facilities cater for both unoccupied and occupied premises with policy coverage tailored to the diverse needs of owners and occupiers.

Target business segments

  • Abattoirs
  • Alpine risks
  • Cold storage
  • Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) construction
  • General warehousing & storage
  • High value hospitality risks
  • Timber mills and woodworkers
  • Pharmaceutical industry
  • Risks located above the 25th parallel
  • Unoccupied property
  • Manufacturing and storage, including:
    - chemicals
    - plastics
    - recycling industry
    - paper processing

Complex Risks Documents and Links


For more information or to obtain a quote please contact us.

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